Wednesday, October 30, 2019

TEXT ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TEXT ANALYSIS - Assignment Example dy the trial’s circumstances as well as look into the circumstances that resulted to his accuser seek his death as well as the Athens’ people to agree in it. As far as this accusation goes, the scenario is not that different from the religion of St. Theodore of Sykeon. Theodore is sick and this could be a likened to Socrates’ being in court. Just as judges were there to look into the accusations against Socrates, in the cases of the saint there is God as well as the angles who come as doctors. Upon being asked why he is weeping, the saint answers that it is because he is unrepentant (The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon ,1.2). This represents the accusations against Socrates. One of the major accusations against Socrates was denying gods that the state recognized as well as introducing to the state strange religions instead of such Gods. In the case of St, Theodore, earthly spirits that torment people can be seen. It the saint who continues to do miracles that does away with weaknesses as well as sicknesses. The spirits, weaknesses, as well as these spirits represent earthly gods that the state believes in, in the Socrates’ scenario. Theodore explains that something else that makes him cry is the young believers who need a shepherd. He is afraid that he will die and leave them without one. This is quite common the second accusation directed towards Socrates. That he turned away young people from their parents to serve the new religion he introduced. They accusers called it corrupting the young people. Socrates had associates whom he taught to despise State laws, amongst them, election through lots. Theodore has followers too: those who liked his works left their homes and came to be with him as well as change their lives to conform his teachings. Some of those healed by him as well opted to live by his side as well (The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon, 2.2). Socrates during his presentation for his apology, his first words were that he was not sure if the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Crime and Punishment Essay Example for Free

Crime and Punishment Essay People will sometimes go to greater extents just because they believe it’s for the better of the people. Mankind may sometimes reside to murdering a person in belief that it will benefit the society because that person is worthless and just takes up space. In Fedor Dosteovsky’s Crime and Punishment, the character Raskolinikov decides to commit a murder or in his eyes, rid society of a worthless person. Sometimes poverty will make a man tip over the edge. It will cause a man to commit a homicide because in their mind they see that person worthless to society. In Doestoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, poverty helps setup the theme of nihilism. â€Å"Life is in ourselves and not in the external,† writes Fyodor Dostoevsky in a letter to his brother dated December 22, 1849. â€Å"To be a human being among human beings, and remain one forever, no matter what misfortunes befall, not to become depressed, and not to falter—this is what life is, herein lies its task.† This passage was written immediately after Dostoevsky underwent the traumatic experience that Tsar Nicholas I ordered for sever prisoners condemned to death for supporting the expression of free thought within the Russian state, a mock execution in Semyonovsky Square, a staged performance so terrifyingly real that it induced insanity within one of the author’s fellow prisoners. The quote is evidence of Dostoevsky’s strength of character; his would be a difficult life living in poverty, he would helplessly watch as many of the people closest to him died from the ailments of the poor. It also exposes the significant flaw common to som e of his characters and tragic heroes through despair, and weakness before the weight of misfortune, they falter, and commit barbaric acts that render them unfit to operate within the context of humanity. This is the case with both Baklushkin and Shishkov from The Hous of the Dead, as well as with Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. Fyodor Dostoevksy was born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow, Russia. He was born into a strict way of life. He lived much of his childhood distanced from his frail mother and officious father. In these formative years, he formed a close bond with his elder brother Mikhail. He was sent to school at an early age, during his years in school Dostoevsky was lonesome, but those lonesome years in school afforded him a release from his father’s stern household. In his solitude he found an interest in Literature and spent most of his time reading. As a young man, Dostoevsky’s father was brutally murdered by his serfs. Though he rarely mentioned his father’s death, the theme of parricide provided the central focus of perhaps his greatest work, The Brothers Karamazov. At his father’s instance, Dostoevsky attended engineering school, but upon graduation he chose to pursue a literary career. His first published work, Eugenie Grandel, was published in a St. Petersburg journal in 1844. Dostoevsky completed his first novel, Poor Folk, in 1845. A naturalistic tale with a clear social message, the novel was acclaimed by the foremost literary critic of the day, Vissarion Belinsky, who stated, â€Å"A new Gogol is born!† the work brought Dostoevsky success and adulation that he was ill-equipped to handle. Dostoevsky became a member of Belinsky’s literary circle, but when Belinsky reacted coldly to Dostoevsky’s subsequent work, a breach developed between them. In 1848, Dostoevsky joined a political group of young intellectuals led by Mikhail Petrashevsky. The reactionary climate of Russia at the time was not receptive to a group which published illegal literature and discussed utopian socialism, and in 1849 the members were arrested and charged with subversion. Dostoevsky, whom the authorities considered the most important member, was imprisoned and sentenced to death. In a scene that was to haunt him all of his life, Dostoevsky and his friends faced a firing squad, but were reprieved when a messenger arrived with the announcement that their sentences had been commuted to four years of hard labor in Siberia and four years of army service. His harrowing near-execution and terrible years of imprisonment made an undeniable impression on his life, converting him to a long life of intense spiritual lifestyle. His prison experiences, as well as his life after prison among the urban poor of Russia, would provide a vivid backdrop for much of his later work. Released from his imprisonment and service by 1858, he began a fourteen-year period of furious writing, in which he published many significant texts. Among these were: The House of the Dead, Notes From The Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and Devils. In 1859 Dostoevsky returned to St. Petersburg were he contributed articles expressing his belief that Russia should develop a social and polit ical system based on the values drawn from the Russian people. He then described his life as a prisoner in the book The House of the Dead, a novel reflecting both an insight into a criminal mind and an understanding of the Russian lower class. His intense study of the New Testament, the only book prisoners were allowed to read, provided a major influence on his later work as he became convinced that redemption was only possible though suffering and faith. In 1862, Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail created a magazine called The Time, which was later banned in 1863. Due to the Dostoevsky and Mikhail created another magazine called Epoch, which in 1864 published the complex novel Notes From Underground, generally considered the preface to Dostoevsky’s greater novels. In that same year, 1864, both Dostoevsky’s wife and beloved brother died, leaving him saddled with debts and dependents. In an attempt to win money though gambling, Dostoevsky instead buried himself further in debt. With creditors at his heels and with debts around 43,000 rubles, he was able to escape with 175 rubles and a slave contract with book seller F.T. Stellovsky. This agreement stipulated that if Dostoevsky did not produce a novel by November 1, 1866, all rights to Dostoevsky’s past and future works would revert to Stellovsky. Time passed and Dostoevsky, preoccupied with a longer, serialized novel, did not work on the book he promised Stellovsky until at last, on the advice of his friends, he hired the young Anna Grigorievna, Snitkin as his stenographer. He the dictated the Gambler to her, and the manuscript was delivered to Stellovsky on the same day their agreement was to expire.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Emotional Inteligence Essay -- Emotional Intelligence

An increasing percent of the population begins to know the idea of emotional intelligence. This concept was firstly developed by two American university professors, John Mayer and Peter Salovey (1990) and they concluded that, people with high emotional quotient are supposed to learn more quickly due to their abilities. Another psycologist named Daniel Goleman (1995) extended the theory and also made it well-known. In his articles and books, he argued that people with high emotional quotient do better than those with low emotional quotient. In this essay, it will be argued that high emotional intelligence can influence work performance positively to a relatively high extent. Both benefits and limitations of a high level of EI in the workplace will be discussed and a conclusion will be drawn at the end of this essay. The definition of emotional intelligence given by Salovey and Mayer (1990) focuses on the ability to understand one’s own and others’ emotions and also to manage one’s own emotions positively. On the other hand, Goleman’s definition (1995) covers more aspects, including 25 abilities and skills such as trustworthiness, communication and empathy. The former definition is more scientific and appropriate while the latter one is called the ‘corporate definition’ because its contents accommodate the interests of large corporations. However, the academic findings of the two professors are not widely known while Goleman’s edition is commonly accepted due to his best-seller book ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (Goleman 1995). The following essay will be mainly based on Goleman’s definition. High emotional intelligence can improve work performance and its varied aspects can contribute to work differently. One aspect of emotion... ...igence: Isses in Paradigm building, The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations, Jossey-Bass Ch.2 Goleman D.(2001) An EI-based theory of performance, The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emallenge emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations, Jossey-Bass Ch.3 Fernandez-Araoz C.(2001) The challenge of hiring senior executives, The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emallenge emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations, Jossey-Bass Ch.6 Arnold J., Silvester J., Patterson F., Robertson I., Cooper C. and Burnes B. (2005) Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace 4th edition, Pearson Education Limited Essex

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disappearance of Family Farms Essay

There are many things in the world that have been disappearing over recent years. These types of things include, but are not limited to: encyclopedias, tape players, typewriters, and even books. Another thing that has been a huge part of history that seems to be disappearing at, frankly, an alarming and scary rate is family-owned farms. Less than one third of family farms that existed in the United States in 1935 are still remaining (Toews). Family farms are disappearing because of the expenses incurred in owning one, the hard work and long days the family must put into them, and because of the appeal of city life to younger generations and the development of land throughout the United States. Family farms are expensive. And, unlike what one would expect, the rewards are not too extravagant, either. The expenses are rising while the income is declining, and that is an equation none of us want to see when it comes to our own future. It was even predicted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that farmers would see the biggest decline in income than any other industry (Toews). However, if we lose all of our family-owned farms, all we have to rely on is larger industries, which includes travel and transportation costs, chemicals, and most likely the mistreatment of animals. Good work ethic seems to be something that has become rare in America. There is an unexplainable amount of work that goes into farming, especially on smaller farms with less man and machine power to help out. Farmers, on average, spend between twelve and sixteen hours a day working. And, tying this back, they are not being rewarded properly for the hard labor they put into their jobs each and every day. They have no vacations, no holidays, and no sick or personal time. They have to be there. As younger generations look to their elders, they realize all of the suffering with little reward, and question if they want to go down that very same path themselves. Lastly, farms seem to be disappearing because of development and the desire for the city life. Younger generations of the 21st century seem to be drawn to city life, to fast paced life with easy access to anything and everything they might need at the drop of a hat. To make these accommodations for malls, plazas, parking lots, and buildings, we need to develop land somewhere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 3,000 acres of land are being lost due to development each day as of 2008 (Gilbert). So, why should it be saved? It is a piece of history, something that all of us, if traced back far enough, can relate to in some way. It is healthy, for our bodies, ethics, the economy, and the environment. If we were able to afford more local farms, then we could cut transportation costs and fumes extravagantly. If more people worked on farms, I can almost guarantee the work ethic in the United States would skyrocket. Also, with more people actually doing work consisting of hard labor, we may be able to cut health problems such as obesity. And, if that assumption came to be untrue, the community would still have fresh food. So, if it’d be so great, why can’t we do it? It’s expensive. Plain and simple. Family farming is not something that will come back easily, as would a piece of apparel in the fashion industry. On the contrary, it is something we need to fight for. Buy locally grown. Support your local businesses and economy. It may not seem like a huge step, but every little bit will count when trying to save what we have left of this farming history. Works Cited Gilbert, Sarah. â€Å"Top 25 Things Vanishing from America.† DailyFincance. N.p., 20 Jul 2008. Web. 1 Oct 2012. . Toews, Jacob. â€Å"The Disappearing Family Farm.† Real Truth. 01 Jun 2010: n. page. Web. 1 Oct. 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Addressing Barriers to Learning and  Closing

Addressing Barriers to Learning and closing the Achievement Gap: New Directions for Student Support Closing We all recognize the urgency arising from the demands made by the No Child Left Behind Act. Many schools are being designated as low performing. Increasing accountability demands require demonstrating progress for students who are â€Å"economically disadvantaged, from racial and ethnic minority groups, have disabilities, or have limited English proficiency. † All schools will be evaluated on criteria designed to identify sites that are â€Å"persistently dangerous. With increasing ccountability tor student outcomes and dwindling budgets, it is essential to rethink use of existing learning support resources to maximize a school's capability for addressing barriers to student learning and teaching. Beyond the Learning Gap Americans increasingly are aware of this learning gap and are seeking ways to address it. The international comparisons grab the front-page headlines, and officials try to Infer recommendations from how one country performs compared with the performance of another.Policymakers carefully study, state by state, scores on the ost recent National Assessment of Educational Progress, as if one could divine a strategy, from the scores, for improving performance. Scores of all local schools are printed in the newspaper, and school boards and parents discuss why students In some schools score much lower than others. As important as it is to know how well students are learning, examinations of achievement scores alone can never reveal how the scores might be improved.We also need information on the classroom processes on teaching that are contributing to the scores. unfortunately, many olicymakers have ignored this fact, making decisions about the future of education without even the most rudimentary information about what is happening In classrooms. In 1995, faced with low reading and mathematics performance on the National Assessment of E ducauonal Progress, California's superintendent of public instruction formed two task forces, one for mathematics and one for reading, to study the situation and propose solutions.California, after all, was highly respected for Curriculum Frameworks that guide reading and mathematics instruction in the state. The Frameworks provided a comprehensive outline for what students should learn and guidelines for appropriate Instructional methods. If the Frameworks were so good, why was achievement so low? In meetings of California's mathematics task force, the discussion often turned to the Frameworks. Were the teaching methods or curricular emphases recommended in the Mathematics Framework perhaps to blame for students' low achievement?A debate ensued among members of the task force, a debate that has been reflected more broadly in public debate around the country etween proponents of â€Å"reform† teaching and those in favor of more â€Å"traditional† teaching methods. Some believed that the Frameworks were not working and should tOf2 the discussion was a key fact: the state of California had collected no data on the extent to which the Frameworks had been implemented in the state's classrooms.This did not stop the state, however, from undertaking a revision of its Mathematics Framework. But on what basis could the Framework be revised? Without knowing what teachers were doing, how could the effectiveness of the Framework be determined? We do not mean to single out California; no state that we know of regularly collects and uses data directly related to instructional processes in the classroom. Policymakers adopt a program, then wait to see if student achievement scores will rise.If scores do not go up and this is most often what happens, especially in the short run – they begin hearing complaints that the policy isn't working. Momentum builds, experts meet, and soon there is a new recommendation, then a change of course, often in the opposite direction. Significantly, this whole process goes on without ever collecting data on whether or not the original program as even implemented in classrooms or, if implemented, how effective it was in promoting student learning.If we wish to make wise decisions, we need to know what is going on in typical classrooms. Fortunately, the same TIMSS that generated a new wave of concern about students' achievement also collected a wealth of information about educational factors that might help us understand the different levels of performance in different countries. TIMSS researchers analyzed textbooks; asked administrators, teachers, and students about their beliefs and practices; and ideotaped teachers teaching typical lessons.The TIMSS video study of teaching, which forms the basis for this book, is especially significant because it provides a penetrating and unparalleled look into classrooms in three different countries. For the first time, we had a full video record of a representative sample of U. S. classrooms. More than that, we had the same kind of information from Germany and Japan. We could now compare more than achievement scores. We could examine similarities and differences in the instructional methods that lay behind these scores.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher is the 1 of the transnational corporation in the universe via the merchandise: Ferrero Rocher that is sort of the cocoa and the it has a luxury perceptual experience to the client who have some of ground that are monetary value. packaging. and etc. As it is a FMCG ( Fast Move Corporation Goods ) in Malaysia. its sale part has non been attracted in consumers’ behaviour in buying consideration. Duo to of shown jobs. Ferrero Rocher has changed as a newness or advanced bite that will be strong competitory nutrient in eating wont whereby. the witting or prospective consumers can choose Ferrero Rocher. From the beginning to the terminal in its ain execution. Ferrero Rocher is able to be more attractive goods with the reclamation image to the people and so the company will be successful by the basking the great gross in nutrient channel as good. Ferrero Rocher cocoa will be distributed by the redevelopment about most constructs and powerful diffusion in footings of the trade name itself over the universe. : Introduction Ferrero Rocher is a ain trade name name with a household history: Michele Ferrero is the laminitis and the leader in the corporation with his relations who have contributed to the success in the nutrient industry in Italy. Ferrero Rocher is one of the celebrated chocolatier nutrient houses internationally. since it was opened in Italy by Ferrero SpA since 1982. Ferrero Rocher has his ain name as a trade name and it has been bring forthing many types of cocoas with different spirits ; every bit good as diversified cocoas have been made by the company for strategic grounds. For illustration. the chief constituents of the cocoa is based in roasted hazelnut frame into the thin wafer by consolidation with hazelnut pick. milk cocoa and hazelnuts. Each of the merchandises: Ferrero Rocher has a particular covering that is unambiguously shaped with a gold-colored packaging that states the ingredients with the 73 Calories. The house has been executing good all-over the universe with strong distributions. It is involved in many societal activities and duties: like giving contributions. environmental contemplation. and moral concern. Ferrero Rocher has its missions that are: high quality value with good ingredients and freshness into all its merchandises. Furthermore. the company tries its best in pass oning with the clients and keeping their trueness. In planetary nutrient disposal of Ferrero Rocher. its public presentation. and launching is regarded as weaker in Malaysia than in other states ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) Business ambiance There is PEST ( Political. Economic. Social. and Technology ) analysis about Ferrero Rocher in Malaysia. It is critical to analyse the sectors like Political. Economic. Social. and Technology in order to be more seeable to follow the factors for success. The undermentioned theories have been taken as Ferrero Rocher’s public presentation in Malaysia. 1. Political Ferrero Rocher Chocolate is an imported merchandise by an Italian company that is Ferrero SpA and so there are legalities in trading concern by Malaysia between Malaysia and Italy. The intent is to protect the local nutrient industries: commanding all imported goods so as to profit the Malayan concerns. Any new type of imported bite. like those of chocolate beginning. introduced in Malaysia will hold a negative impact on the local market. therefore a demand for legal controls. Ferrero Rocher will besides hold to subject to these Torahs. In other words. the imported goods are monitored so as to guarantee measure. quality. and equity. The chief intent of the jurisprudence is to profit both states: Malaysia A ; Italy and in the procedure profiting Ferrero Rocher’ cocoa in Malaysia. In add-on to that. faith is another political factor to be considered by Ferrero Rocher. For case. the Halal logo on the screen or box gives confidence to the Muslim consumers that Ferrero Rocher is consumable by them without bias. Presently health care is considered to be another political factor. particularly its negative effects like weight addition. tooth decay relating to chocolate. Thus the Malayan authorities is supervising the quality of these nutrients. including Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 2. Economic The aim of all concern is to maximise net incomes by minimising the costs. therefore the demand for sophisticated machineries. efficient labor. low rental etc. Tax and involvement rates are an of import constituent of costs. and they are indispensable. The economic growing factor is of import to monetary value repair and to pull off the administrative costs. The income degree of the bulk of the consumers will be considered for the selling scheme to advance this cocoa as an low-cost and proper bite in Malaysia. In term of employment Ferrero Rocher employs a batch of Malaysians and besides use a batch of the land for set uping their mill therefore enabling better use of the domestic resources. This will lend towards bettering the Gross Domestic Product of the state. World Economic status will be affair of B to B like exchange rate between the two states. Since the economic growing and the exchange rate of both the states are different. the company has to monetary value the cocoas in Ma laysia that is good to the company and the counties concerned ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 3. Social Malaysian’s eating wonts vary between the different races. civilizations and beliefs. The purchase of bites varies with the spirits. every bit good as the retail mercantile establishments: nutrient tribunal. supermarket. convenient shops etc. Ferrero Rocher’s merchandises offer high quality in epicurean designs: value for money. Religion. an of import factor to be considered. The Muslims are really concern about ‘halal’ labels ; as it gives them confidence that the nutrient is fit to be consumed without spiritual bias. Ferrero Rocher demand to see this affair. Health is besides another issue in Malaysia where weight and dental decay is a concern particularly the ingestion of cocoa merchandises. Therefore Ferrero Rocher demand to be cautious about this excessively. Damage to environment by the disposal of waste stuff is besides a concern of the authorities. Ferrerp Ropcher demand to wrap and box the cocoas in reclaimable boxes that are non normally disposed of after the cocoa has been consumed. This will assist protect the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 4. Technology As it is an international merchandise. many mills have been established in Malaysia. It is the good belongings for Malaysia because assortment of bites can be produced appears in larger countries in Malaysia. However. it needs expects to do or pull off all processing in working topographic point. Worldwide distribution will hold demand of local work force to do amp ; manage for localisation their concern. Furthermore. skilled employees increase and other engineering can be improved by passing down the techniques by transmittal from Italy to Malaysia ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) SWOT Analysis 1. Strengths Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa is advertised and demonstrated as a high quality merchandise and it has besides been considered the perceptual experience of the consumers. It has besides been characterized to hold it ain singularity in the market. It is made in Italy’s engineering and by manus by their local work-force in Malaysia. The cocoa has been considered to be wholly different as perceived by the consumers. It has besides made a part to the list of cocoas in the market. making more picks for the consumers. 2. Failing There are some rigorous regulations to adhere in Malaysia as it is an imported nutrient point from Italy. The monetary value is on the high side and it is supported by the quality image: the gold wadding. The ‘high’ image and the high monetary value may non promote the mean income consumer to see Ferrero Rocher. The monetary value makes a large proportion of their disposable income and that is a detering point to see. 3. Opportunity Ferrero Rocher attracts new consumers via their new and tasty spirits that is considered a forte. As a consequence the possible consumers who want new and alone gustatory sensations would see this cocoa: a alteration in consumers’ gustatory sensations is noted in Malaysia. and that is an chance that Ferrero Rocher should see for it enlargement plan in the hereafter in Malaysia. 4. Menaces In Malaysia the criterion of life is non unvarying. hence there are rich and hapless people. The low and in-between income group does non habitually eat cocoas. The parents who are concerned about their children’s feeding. particularly nutrient that put on weight. may deflect the kids to other bites. Ferrero Rocher has been confronting much competition in imparting their cocoa in the local and international market. [ Appendix 1 ] Market Analysis 1. Rival Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa merchandises considered as a delicacy bite has many competition from companies like. Hershey. Toblerone and Cadburys. The competition is with Cadbury’s new cocoa called Dairy Milk ; and Cadbury is besides a big transnational company. holding mills in France. Poland. UK etc. They offer many types of nutrient. like Bars. Cakes A ; Biscuits and Boxes. Bag A ; Tin. Drinks. and Ice pick A ; Desserts. Cadbury focuses on internal program. more nutrition cocoa. and many diversified merchandises. in order to accomplish net incomes and to last in a competitory market. Toblerone is besides an international company that has cocoa saloon including Nugget. Almonds. and Honey. and is a rival to Ferrero Rocher. It is following Schott’s Food A ; Drink Miscellany: standard method in nutrient and merger in unifying different kind of nutrient. The company’s strengths are the design on the screen that appears to portray a criterion in size. constituents and that it is cheap. The point to observe is that Ferrero Rocher has many rivals and a weak distribution channel. The merchandises like Dove. Milo and Whole Roast Almond are considered as prospective cocoas deluging the market. Dove is a new trade name offered by Mars Company. They have come with caramel. cocoa saloon and cookies as their chief merchandises. but they lack market consciousness. Milo. another trade name created by Nestle. who is besides a transnational. It offers drinks. breakfast cereals. cocoa saloon etc. The Whole Roast Almond owned by household concern with a ‘Dutch Press’ and uses alkalic salt to heighten the quality of their cocoas. but they have a weak nutrient channel and distribution methods. [ Appendix 2 ] 2. Consumers There are many types of bites with cocoa spirit. in the nutrient industry: Ferrero Rocher cocoa. Dairy Milk and Hershey. These are international trade names that are easy available in Malaysia and are received good by the Malaysians. There is plentifulness of pick for the consumers. The Ferrero Rocher cocoa consumers are divided into Gender. Age. Lifestyle and Income groups. The female population has a higher inclination to purchase Ferrero Rocher as the cocoa is wrapped in gold and has a soft crunch indoors. The immature population who is made up of 13. 7 % between the age of 15-19 and 13. 1 % between the age of 20-24. in 2011. are researching new gustatory sensations and seem to prefer Ferrero Rocher as they are developing a wont for sweet nutrient. As for the income group the skilled and the high income group can afford to buy Ferrero Rocher since they have a high disbursement power. The skilled and semi skilled people shows that 25 % are the possible consumers of this cocoa. Development schemes There are two selling schemes to better its sale’s place and this has to see both the consumer A ; Ferrero Rocher Company. First it has to shift the image of the merchandises perceptual experience by the possible consumers ; who are presuming that the cocoa is non for the normal income group. Effective communicating should assist win the consumers bosom and to keep their trueness. The monetary value is another scheme that the company demand to see. They need to see the costs associating to processing processs. and this could deviate the possible consumers from other competitory trade names and set Ferrero Rocher as the leader in the nutrient channel ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . [ Appendix 3 ] Segmentation A ; Targeting There are some ways to section wholly people by categorising them by their common 8nterests or characteristics. As referred to in the Appendix. The Malaysians can be separated into three chief groups: the Malay who make up 50. 4 % . Chinese 23. 7 % . autochthonal 11 % . while the Indians make up 7. 1 % and other 7. 8 % . with the entire population of 28. 7 million. Since the Malayans make up the bulk in the market. therefore the focal point has to be on them. They are the strategic group. Besides that the age is besides a factor for cleavage. Those in the age group of 15 to 24 old ages make up of more than 50 % of the entire population. They can besides be catogarise into income group: high income group. meddle income group and low income group. Another manner to sort is by profession. that is the pupil. the skilled. the semi-skilled and the professionals. The immature. the high and in-between income group. the skilled. and semi-skilled. and the pupils are the population who would be able and willing to purchase Ferrero Rocher. Positioning The procedure of cleavage of the population is of import to aim and to implement the right attack to acquire the group to purchase Ferrero Rocher. The cleavage helps to distinguish Ferrero Rocher from the other trade names of cocoas. in relation to the quality and the benefits that can be derived from these cocoas. It will besides enable the company to aim the gross revenues schemes in a manner to acquire the consumers to purchase their cocoa or switch off from other trade names to Ferrero Rocher as satisfaction from the bite can be assured. Aims with 4P’s: Merchandise. Place. Price. and Promotion 1. Fiscal Presently Ferrero Rocher has been sacking a gross revenues of 6. 6 billion Euros and accomplishing more than 4. 3 per centum of net sale growing as comparison to old twelvemonth. The group employs more than 20000 employees and is puting 383 million Euros ; to increasing its capacity. The investing is about 5 % of the net gross revenues figures. The Group is invariably puting in invention. research. and development and has. in peculiar. late been concentrating on energy-efficient installings in its workss. The fiscal aims are divided into two: to increase its capacity and to consolidate its investings and it may be equated to 13 % of the net gross revenues in 2013 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . To increase the value of the cocoas to the consumers an effectual program is required. Therefore the pricing harmonizing to the packaging is important. For illustration the 16 pieces battalion is RM 16. 88 and that is about RM 1. 06 per piece. while the 24 pieces battalion is RM29. 88 and it is about RM 1. 25 per piece. ‘Penetration monetary value strategy’ can be used as a new program to capture the market. If the monetary value can be decreased from RM16. 88 to RM15. 88 for the 16 pieces battalion can be low-cost by the consumers. although this might be followed by a monetary value war. Monetary value is the strongest ground that motivates consumers and as an illustration. the discounted monetary value has been successful in pulling clients in Starbuck. in Malaysia. In add-on. the manner the cocoas are supplied to the clients is by avoiding the mediators like the jobber. retail merchant. agents etc. This attack will assist minimise the costs. from the upstream to the downstream. This will enable the company to salvage costs and that means more net incomes can be earned. The one external channel is the retail merchants who will be responsible to assist present the cocoas to the clients. The clients can acquire the cocoas straight from these mercantile establishments. 2. Selling As a cognitive major issue is the â€Å"customers† in the selling scheme: the scheme is to be fit the consumers in footings of quality: represented by presentation. freshness. wellness factors etc and these are of import to acquire customers’ trueness. The company could expose more of its cocoa on the shelves of the urban shops. This could entice the clients towards Ferrero Rocher. They could besides concentrate on the strength of merchandise betterment like let go ofing new and less thermal cocoas. by the terminal of 2012 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . Ferrero Rocher can make many spirits of cocoas and in many combinations: with existent fruits. When the cocoa is bitten one can acquire the crunchy sound while the interior is soft. The fruits give a sensational feeling to the clients. These assortments of gustatory sensations should lure the costumiers to switch to Ferrero Rocher and see it to be their favourite pick. There are two big hyper markets in Malaya: the TESCO A ; JUSCO. They display the cocoas. over the old ages. in 32 mercantile establishments ( as for TESCO ) and 21 mercantile establishments ( as for JUSCO ) . It is besides displayed in the local college like TAYLOR’s and INTI in their cafeteria to provide for the pupils. and that has enhanced gross revenues. The cocoas have besides been launched in some of the celebrated cafe like Starbuck in Malaysia. which has more than 150 mercantile establishments ( Starbuck. com. 2009 ) On the packaging. to pull the clients a mascot has been created as an extra personality. on the surface of the cocoas. This particularly focused to pull the kids who strongly patronize the cocoas. This will besides prolong it luxury mentality and develop consumer’s trueness. Ferrero Rocher approaches its client in many ways. and they take advantage by advancing the cocoas during the Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day. It is really reasonable to sell them during these occasions as the consumers will be seeking something of the best for themselves or to be given as gifts. Therefore aggressive advertizement during these periods is important ( Mooney L. . 1997 ) Making a romantic narrative with Ferrero Rocher has besides created success as it is a strong promotional tool. For illustration the proposal by a adult male to a lady. with Ferrero Rocher. makes it seem like a fairy narrative that the people want to copy. The cocoa has besides been used as a corsage in nuptialss. and that will convey felicity to the bride. This narrative has created a new civilization and that is good for the concern. and these actions have benefited both the Corporation and the consumers ( NAIR V. 2012 ) 3. Social The company is besides concern about the â€Å"Green Business† . and this is done by suiting the recycling of the cover paper or waste and to open. more mills to recycle. By 2012 it intends to increase recycling by 30 % . They intend to cut down disbursement on H2O by 30 % and besides cut down the CO2 emitted into the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . The company has besides been concerned about the environment. It uses recycled documents in their concern. They are traveling green. This has earned them a contributing relationship with the authorities. This action of utilizing recycled documents has aid cut down their disbursals. ( HUONG T. 2011 ) An event with the Ferrero Rocher is another types of societal promotional issue that is highlighted to the many of consumers about the merchandises in peculiar state of affairs. Likewise. some competitions has besides similar aim by the strong protagonists or sponsorships. For illustration. an award to the victor will be publicizing automatically Ferrero Rocher. In other word. the company offer societal activities that make the consumers to bask with the merchandises. Internal Marketing A ; Customer Service It is of import that the employees have a good instruction and cognition. This will assist them to be efficient in their work. and that would profit the company. They will besides understand the premier aim of the company: the advantage and disadvantages associating to wellness. quality of the merchandise. the industry. the information associating to transport. the trade name publicities and besides communications will be effectual. All this will heighten a healthy relationship between the staff and the company. Budgeting In 50 billion budgeting in 2011. the capital is allocated into the some classs that have contained its ain manner to be attractive bite to the clients. It is to do a positive possible state of affairs in their market and it plans by the 2013. Ferrero Rocher is able to upgrade with the rating in the given tabular array: Control and Implementation New characteristic Ferrero Rocher has been released in nutrient industry via assorted Medias like Television. Newspaper. and etc. As mentioning to the Gantt chart Appendix4. the merchandise has been good known but it need to be governed by the people who have its duty or qualified employers at working topographic point. In 2012 or the hereafter. any of concerns must be take attention of itself by the experts or the professionals in order to look into all of treating for predict and prevent if there misguided goods or hapless quality of a merchandises. [ Appendix4 ] * Identify all of health that can be great sale if the consciousness go a high * Outstanding of Active communities like web log. web site and facebook as a chirrup * Large of articulations a incursion or competition by the people * Useful advertisement tools like newspaper. Television and wireless to distribute* Positive image of the Ferrero Rocher* Reasonable or acceptable gait in all of processing* Logical scheme has a given into the concern* Strong market portion in confident relationship in long- term Ferrero Rocher is able to acquire rid of its troubles via these valid cellar program A ; action as a control. 13 % of net sale can be shown in proper execution that should be performed systematically every bit good. In outstanding of its facets. all of belongingss will be given such as a great net incomes or border. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //komunitikini. com/kl-selangor/putrajaya/malaysimalaysia-skilled-workers-at-25-perecnt [ Accessed 15 Feb 2012 ] 4. Mooney L. . 1997. ‘Advertising A ; Promotion: Design Choice’ . Brand Republic Group Website. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. marketingmagazine. co. uk/news/59757/ [ Accessed 20 Feb 2012 ] 5. Nair V. . 2012. ‘Couple’s alone love narrative wins contest’ . theonlinestar. com. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //thestar. com. my/news/story. asp? sec=central A ; file=/2012/2/18/central/10730535 [ Accessed 12 Feb 2012 ] 6. Percept media. 2011. MEDIA PLANNING GUIDE. 17th EDITION. UTUSAN MEDIA SALES. [ BOOK ] [ Accessed: 24 October 2011 ] 7. Starbucks. com. . 2009. ‘Starbucks in Malaysia’ . Starbuck Company. About Starbucks [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //starbucks. com. my/en-US/_About+Starbucks/Starbucks+in+ % 28your+country % 29. htm [ Accessed 21 Feb 2012 ]

Monday, October 21, 2019

WEB Duboise stance on the abolishment of womens suffrage.

WEB Duboise stance on the abolishment of womens suffrage. While studying the writings of Eric Foner, the author of "American Freedom" and one of his many quoted sources Nancy Cott, author of "The Grounding of Modern Feminism" readers are led to believe W.E.B. Dubois was an advocate supporter of the abolishment of women's suffrage. Cott believes Dubois advised Black women to rally along-side White women for the right to vote and equality amongst genders. While attempting to research Cott's source, the Crises Magazine, I was unable to find supporting material in my limited amount of time. But neither Mrs. Cott's sincerity nor her sources do I question. I do believe Dubois advised Black women to support the women's movement. However, Both Foner and Cott eliminates Dubois' main ambition and sole adherence to advising the support of African American women - Dubois believes their support will create a strong foundation to emancipate blacks in their struggle for freedom, justice, and equality as reflected in the following quote, "The White people of Philadelphia are perfectly conscious that their Negro citizens are not treated fairly in all respects...SocialDuBois, Pennsylvaniareforms move slowly and yet when Right is reinforced by calm but persistent Progress we somehow all feel that in the end it must triumph."J. Allen 2In two of WE B Dubois' books, "The Philadelphia Negro" and "The Soul of Black Folks," after a brief read through, no mention of the betterment of women neither White nor Black is mentioned. "...The Negro would have to accept white leadership, and that such leadership could not always be trusted to guide this group into self-realization and to its highest cultural possibilities," states Dubois in the "Niagra Movement." Historian William Toll, author of The Resurgence of Race: Black Social Theory from Reconstruction to Pan-African Conferences, believes Dubois called for black writers...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teaching English Classroom Management Skills H1

Teaching English Classroom Management Skills H1 Classroom management in the ESL / EFL classroom can be challenging at times because of a number of variables in English classroom management. However, one key element of classroom management remains the same: The desire to communicate in English. This article discusses the challenges of classroom management that occur in one form or another in most ESL / EFL settings. Also provided are a number of suggestions to deal with these issues. There is also an opportunity for teachers to learn from each other by contributing your own experiences in classroom management, as well as tips for effective classroom management. Classroom Management Challenges Common to Most ESL / EFL Settings 1. Classroom Management Challenge: Students find it difficult to participate because they dont want to make a mistake. Classroom Management Tips: Give examples in (one of) the native languages of the students. Youre sure to make some mistakes and use this as an example of willingness to make mistakes. This classroom management technique should be used with care because some students might wonder at your own language learning capabilities. Break students up into smaller groups rather than conducting discussions as a large group. This approach can lead to more classroom management issues if the classes are large - use with care! 2. Classroom Management Challenge: Students insist on translating every word. Classroom Management Tips: Take a text with some nonsense words. Use this text to illustrate how you can discern general meaning without having to exactly know each and every word. Conduct some consciousness raising about the importance of context to language learning. You can also discuss how babies absorb language over time. 3. Classroom Management Challenge: Students insist on being corrected for each and every mistake. Classroom Management Tips: Establish a policy of correcting only those mistakes that are relevant to the current lesson. In other words, if you are studying the present perfect in that particular lesson, you will only correct mistakes made in present perfect usage. Establish a policy of certain activities which are correction free. This needs to be a class rule so that students dont begin correcting each other. In this case, youll have another classroom management issue on your hands. 4. Classroom Management Challenge: Students have varying levels of commitment. Classroom Management Tips: Discuss course objectives, expectations and homework policies at the beginning of each new class. Adult learners who feel this is too demanding can make their objections known during this discussion. Do not go back and repeat information from previous lessons for individuals. If you need to do a review, make sure that the review is done as a class activity with the objective of helping the entire class. Adult English Classes - Learners Speaking the Same Language 1. Classroom Management Challenge: Students speak in their own language during class. Classroom Management Tips: Use a donation jar. Each time a student speaks a phrase in his / her own language, they contribute to the fund. Later, the class can go out together using the money. Give students some of their own medicine and shortly instruct in another language. Make a point of the distraction this causes in class. 2. Classroom Management Challenge: Students insist on translating each phrase into their own tongue. Classroom Management Tips: Remind students that translating places a third person in the way. Instead of communicating directly, each time you translate into your own language you need to go to a third party in your head. There is no way you can keep up a conversation for any length of time using this technique. Take a text with some nonsense words. Use this text to illustrate how you can discern general meaning without having to exactly know each and every word. Conduct some consciousness raising about the importance of context to language learning. You can also discuss how babies absorb language over time.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Stem Cell Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stem Cell Research - Essay Example Stem cell research provides potential cures for some incurable diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis among others. The damage caused by this diseases and conditions is normally irreversible to the affected cells or organs. Stems cells can be used to induce repair or replacement of diseased or damaged cells thus effectively restoring the functions of previously damaged organs. This way numerous nervous system diseases that are as a result of loss of nerve cells can also be treated. Stem cells also provide potential cure to birth defects, by attempting to correct cellular errors that happened before birth thus clearing the defects. The stem cells are introduced to the affected organ in a bid to induce repair or regeneration. With stem cell research, the effects of drugs and medicine can be tested on particular populations of cells thus eliminating the use of animals and human testers. This involves simulating the effects of a drug on the targeted cell line to establish any adverse effects. Stem cell research provides an opportunity to make cells and tissues for use in medical therapy. Tissues and organs can be grown in laboratories from stem cells for use in transplants since the number organ transplant needs exceeds the number of organs available transplantation. This could also help in future transplants as the patient receives a tissue or organ from own cell line, thus there are no chances of rejection during transplantation (Pillai). The study of stem cells could help scientists understand the normal process cell development and establish how medical conditions such as cancer and birth defects come to be, and how they can be corrected. An extensive understanding of cellular development through stem cell research will grant prevention and treatment of abnormal human developments. Stem cell research has led to discovery of treatments that can help in slowing the aging process and my hold the key to reversing the e ffects of aging, thus prolonging human life. As one’s stem cells age, they are no longer able to regenerate effectively as before but anti-aging products borne from stem cells, seeks out the aging stems cells in the skin, regenerating them (Anti-Aging Stem Cell Research). However, ethical issues crop up as to how and where the stem cells are obtained and the price that is paid to achieve objectives of stem cell research. To obtain embryonic stem cells, blastocysts that are generated by fertilizing human eggs in the laboratory are destroyed. For persons who share the belief that life begin at conception, the act is equivocal destroying human life which is unacceptable (Pillai). Financial challenges bear a significant role in research involving stem cells, in the form of purchases made in regard to buying equipment meant for use in the research (Connor). Funding this research involves investing heavily in a world that is already financially constrained. Just like any other file d in medicine, the issue of commercialization has caused debate on a wide scale. Financial challenges in this case are brought out in the form of ethical issues. For example, introducing commerce in stem cell research makes stem cell tissues and embryos into tradable goods and commodities. in addition, researchers could have commercial

Friday, October 18, 2019

Investigating the Relationship between Changes in Weight Loss and Essay

Investigating the Relationship between Changes in Weight Loss and Triglyceride Level - Essay Example The change in weights and triglyceride levels were computed by subtracting the value taken at baseline from the values obtained at week 8. Averages, trimmed means, median, mode, and standard deviation were calculated from the population data. The relationship between weight loss and triglyceride level of each patient were shown using a 2-axis combination graph. Correlation between the two parameters will also be calculated. A linear regression analysis was conducted to predict the association between weight loss and triglycerides. The regression equation was used to determine the decrease in the amount of triglycerides for every kilogram decrease in weight. Thirty-five obese patients participated in the study. At baseline, their weights ranged from 69.4 to 133 kg (Table 1). The same range was observed at Week 8 after the completion of treatments. Triglyceride levels at baseline shows that the range was at 57 – 446 mg/dl; however, the range was very wide after treatment, ranging from 54 – 795 dl/mg. The wide range was due to a very high increase in the triglyceride level of patient 231, who was also the only one to gain weight during the treatment. The data also shows that the median, which is the middle number in the range of values, was not far off from the average or the means. However, the mode, which is the most repeated number in the array, was not close to the average values. Trimmed means (the practice of a chosen percentage of the values) were also close to the average values. These show that the data are clustered close together, hence the similar median, averages and trimmed means for the measured parameters. At eight weeks after treatment, the average loss in weight was estimated to be 3.93 kg with a standard deviation of 2.76 kg. This large deviation can be attributed to the wide range in the weight loss

Paraphrasing my Business administration Capstone assignment Essay - 2

Paraphrasing my Business administration Capstone assignment - Essay Example For the Stilsim Company to be able to create a generic strategy intended at enhancing their competitiveness in the market, the following are essential: Differentiation is aimed at appealing to clients by distinguishing between the corporation’s product and services and those that are provided by the rivals, thus giving clients a clear option as well as gaining their favor. In addition, the corporate level strategy the other strategy that can possibly used in place of the generic strategy, which is also known as the grand strategy. This strategy consists of the corporation’s supply-chain mechanism and the organizational structure. In using this strategy, the company is able to choose the business areas to be pursued, and determines that benefits that are realized by the company together with the amount of its competitiveness. At corporate level, strategic management is critical for the corporation since it is the foundation of the corporate as well as unit level financial strategic planning. Different from the corporate level strategy and generic strategy, we find that functional strategy is the functional strategy, which describes the strategy that is applied in each function of the like a strategy of product development and strategy of human resource, and these come from the major business strategy so as the company to be in a position of gaining a competitive advantage in the market as well as be able to create value. The Stilsim Company has many crucial matters that should be addressed. The identification of the issues that face the company has been done by the use of rational, internal and external analysis. The most disturbing, out of these issues is that with the Capital City Office, the main office which is no longer productive. However, this gives the company a less competitive advantage. If the company wants to gain comparative advantage over its

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The various dimension of globalization Research Paper

The various dimension of globalization - Research Paper Example In many ways the world is becoming one large market than a series of separate national markets. The same goods and services can be found in many countries throughout the world.Globalization is the term now widely used to describe the increased worldwide competition between businesses. When investment, trade and cultural exchange happen internationally between different countries of the world and consequently bring changes to society and global economy, we call it globalization. This term is most commonly used to describe the effects of international trade but applies to trade of all sorts of industries. Steger has defined globalization as â€Å"a set of social processes that appear to transform our present social condition of weakening nationality into one of globalism.† It means to explain that it is not one process but various processes that function at the same time and even haphazardly on different levels and in different dimensions.Global village is a terminology used to describe a new kind of globalization presenting us with an interconnected world and a global collected culture. Globalization affects world economies, political situations, ecological dimensions and cultural identities. Globalization has led to more choice and lower price for consumers. It has forced firms to look for ways of increasing efficiency. Inefficient producers have gone out of business. Globalization has a positive impact on almost everybody as it generally helps to creates greater economic value. Globalization is able to provide equal distribution of the added value. The process of globalization must focus on letting go of the economic self-interest by respecting different religious, environmental and cultural values for the benefit of all classes of people. It must be beneficial for everybody by developing a global world outlook that boosts up the mutual and common values of all cultures. Accumulated forms of communication create images that cross different linguistic bo undaries more quickly and conveniently than many goods and services. This global mass culture has entered, influenced and revolutionized the lives of people in modern societies. There are several reasons for this increasing global competition. Free trade agreements and economic unions have reduced protection for industries. Consumers can now purchase goods and services from other countries with no import controls. Improved travel links and communications between all parts of the world have made it easier to compare prices and qualities of goods from many countries. This has further developed as the internet has become more widely available worldwide. Business in every sector of the economy are now striving to enter the global market be it science, manufacturing or entertainment industry (Stimpson, 2006). The economic dimensions of globalization are mostly linked with economic growth of global trade and finance, economic order and multinational corporations and how they affect the fo rmation and functioning of the international economy. It is a known fact that multinationals help in creating jobs and improving employment levels. By the year 2000, they accounted for nearly 100 million jobs created indirectly as researched by the New York Times newspaper of July 2000. It is known as the multiplier effect. When foreign direct investment comes in, both, the multinationals and domestic country become better-off. The company benefits from profits. Domestic country benefit in the form of jobs created, tax revenues generated and capital formation. The USA witnessed its lowest unemployment rate in 2000 in 30 years (Birdsall, Graham, 2005). Globalization helps in sustainable development. It provides the developing nations with much needed jobs and capital as well as equal distribution of income and wealth and help developing countries to escape severe poverty levels. They help improve the education levels, life expectancy rates and infrastructure and future markets in the developing countr

Disscussion Question 1 Week 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disscussion Question 1 Week 3 - Assignment Example From the funding, small businesses are able to increase their performance and operations width. In the current economy, it would be risky to expand operations in a business without proper funding (Bruchey, 2003). The funding gives small businesses the confidence they need to venture into high rewarding business ventures. Apart from the financial offering help, the SBA has much greater significant. The body offers business resources which are at the disposal of the small businesses. Additionally, the body plays the advocate for businesses in the government. The body also develops programs which are of great help to small businesses and offer direct loans (Bruchey, 2003). As a small business owner I would request for the help of the SBA. Firstly, I have to generate a business plan with future prospects of profit making. It would be advisable to ask for a suitable financial program and plan before asking for financial assistance. With an advised operating and financial program I would then request for a loan to foresee the drafted financial program by the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The various dimension of globalization Research Paper

The various dimension of globalization - Research Paper Example In many ways the world is becoming one large market than a series of separate national markets. The same goods and services can be found in many countries throughout the world.Globalization is the term now widely used to describe the increased worldwide competition between businesses. When investment, trade and cultural exchange happen internationally between different countries of the world and consequently bring changes to society and global economy, we call it globalization. This term is most commonly used to describe the effects of international trade but applies to trade of all sorts of industries. Steger has defined globalization as â€Å"a set of social processes that appear to transform our present social condition of weakening nationality into one of globalism.† It means to explain that it is not one process but various processes that function at the same time and even haphazardly on different levels and in different dimensions.Global village is a terminology used to describe a new kind of globalization presenting us with an interconnected world and a global collected culture. Globalization affects world economies, political situations, ecological dimensions and cultural identities. Globalization has led to more choice and lower price for consumers. It has forced firms to look for ways of increasing efficiency. Inefficient producers have gone out of business. Globalization has a positive impact on almost everybody as it generally helps to creates greater economic value. Globalization is able to provide equal distribution of the added value. The process of globalization must focus on letting go of the economic self-interest by respecting different religious, environmental and cultural values for the benefit of all classes of people. It must be beneficial for everybody by developing a global world outlook that boosts up the mutual and common values of all cultures. Accumulated forms of communication create images that cross different linguistic bo undaries more quickly and conveniently than many goods and services. This global mass culture has entered, influenced and revolutionized the lives of people in modern societies. There are several reasons for this increasing global competition. Free trade agreements and economic unions have reduced protection for industries. Consumers can now purchase goods and services from other countries with no import controls. Improved travel links and communications between all parts of the world have made it easier to compare prices and qualities of goods from many countries. This has further developed as the internet has become more widely available worldwide. Business in every sector of the economy are now striving to enter the global market be it science, manufacturing or entertainment industry (Stimpson, 2006). The economic dimensions of globalization are mostly linked with economic growth of global trade and finance, economic order and multinational corporations and how they affect the fo rmation and functioning of the international economy. It is a known fact that multinationals help in creating jobs and improving employment levels. By the year 2000, they accounted for nearly 100 million jobs created indirectly as researched by the New York Times newspaper of July 2000. It is known as the multiplier effect. When foreign direct investment comes in, both, the multinationals and domestic country become better-off. The company benefits from profits. Domestic country benefit in the form of jobs created, tax revenues generated and capital formation. The USA witnessed its lowest unemployment rate in 2000 in 30 years (Birdsall, Graham, 2005). Globalization helps in sustainable development. It provides the developing nations with much needed jobs and capital as well as equal distribution of income and wealth and help developing countries to escape severe poverty levels. They help improve the education levels, life expectancy rates and infrastructure and future markets in the developing countr

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MKT DB 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MKT DB 10 - Essay Example To this extent, I have gained immense experience on how superior branding and advertising through online marketing channels help in creating new market niches within a short period. Online marketing is a fascinating segment of this project as it applies in tandem with the level of the globalization. I would like to learn on how several online marketing instruments can make can be integrated into the management system to enhance direct management decision making that pertains the consumers. This is segment is intrusting because the integration is a result of the high class flexibility of the online marketing strategies, which make it easy to mould an online platform that can address specific issues relative to a specific market niche. Studying such instruments and the whole process of integration forms the base of my urge to pursue further the marketing segment, particularly, the online one. On equal measure, the skill of understanding the essence of application of specific strategies on particular stages of the product life cycle is critical in ensuring the smooth product movement from one stage to another with an aim of realizing considerable profit margin and keeping watch of the competitors in the market. I have gained much in-depth understanding on this skill and I believe I can develop a product from the very first stage of development to the last stage of declining with the application of the relevant marketing strategies as indicated in the table that follows. This involves the creation of a new idea and extensive investments in areas of research and product development. The relevant marketing strategy in this stage involves assessment of the feasibility of the project and the anticipated target audience. In addition, the anticipated market share relative to the existing market share should be evaluated (Mackenzie, 2007). This involves the launching of the product. Since the Kick

Monday, October 14, 2019

Equality Act Essay Example for Free

Equality Act Essay In the spring of 2010, The Equality Act 2010 became law. Before this act came into place there were many old legislations in place to support anti-discriminatory practices, however this new act made it all easier to understand and follow. Stronger laws were needed because many people believed that the old equality laws did not make equality happen fast enough, for example disabled people were more likely to be out of work, men were still being paid more than women for the same kind of job, and people from different races were still finding it hard to get a job. Some of the main changes that you will need to be aware of when working within this health and social care setting are; All public bodies must think about treating people from different groups fairly and equally. This is called the Equality Duty. This means that public bodies need to look at how they can support people from all different backgrounds, areas, sexuality, religion or ethnic origin. Also public bodies must look at how they can help to stop people doing less well than other people based on their family background or where they are from, for example children from poorer families often don’t do as well in school as those who come from a more fortunate background even if they are considered to be smarter, this is called socio-economic equality. Therefore public bodies must look into how they can support these children, in order to distinguish the inequality between family backgrounds. Before this act was in place public bodies had already recognised the need for treating people of different races, disabled people and men and women equally and fairly, however the new act adds even more groups of people to the Equality Duty, these include; people of different ages, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, those with a religion or people and those without, and women who are having a baby and also just after they have had their baby. New rules to make sure that older people are treated fairly. The old legislations already stated that employers could not say that some was too old or too young for a hob, however it was felt older people were still treated unfairly in other ways. For example some companies charge older people more for their service/product than they would charge a younger person, without good reason to do so. Therefore this change states that  older people should not be charged more than a younger person would be for the same service/product unless they have a valid reason for doing so. Also the act ensures that older people are given the same standard of care within a hospital setting as any younger person would. However this act does not change things, which are already good for people of different ages such as a free bus pass and flu injections for older people or travel passes, and student cards for younger people. The act includes more to stop disabled people being treated unfairly. Treating people who have a disability without good reason is now much better protected within the equality act; it is now against the law to treat a person unfairly because of their disability. An employer is now not permitted to ask a person if they are disabled prior to an interview unless they can prove that it is so that they can make reasonable adjustments for the job interview. The equality act makes it much harder for an employer to be unfair as they can only sometimes ask if a person is disabled. The act now includes policies on reasonable adjustment for people with disabilities, for example if a disabled school pupil needs specialist equipment to enable their learning, then the school must provide this if it is consider reasonable, as this is classed as a reasonable adjustment. Also the act now states that information for disabled people must be displayed in a way that is clear for them to understand, this is also considered a reasonable adjustment. For example for those who are partially sighted or blind, then healthcare settings should make adjustments so that they decode and understand the information this could be by providing the information in braille, or simply making the font larger and therefore easier to see. The act has 2 new ideas to make men and women’s wages easier to compare. Before the new equality act came into place many men were still considered to get more wages than women, despite the fact that 40 years ago an equal pay law came into place, which stated that employers should pay men and women equally for doing the same sort of work. The Equality Act includes 2 new ideas about how to make equal pay happen more effectively, companies that employ over 150 workers must publish information about equal pay and how many workers they employ who are disabled or from different races, and  also the act stops employers from telling workers that they cannot talk about their pay with each other. The act makes it clear that women can breast-feed their babies in shops, cafes and other places. The new equality act made it clear that it is against the law to stop a woman from breast feeding her baby in places such as cafes, buses, restaurants and shops or to ask her to leave the premises. The act protects people from dual discrimination. Dual discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly because of a combination of two of the protected characteristics. These are: Age Disability Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Religion or belief Race Marriage and civil partnership Sex Sexual orientation An example of dual discrimination could be that James is a homosexual man who works for an employer who treated heterosexual men and homosexual women fairly, however he treated James unfairly this is due to the fact that he is male and a homosexual, therefore this is considered to be dual discrimination, and the new equality act protects against this. Because of the Equality Act 2010 our care setting, Sunnyside residential home has many policies and procedures that we must comply with to make sure that you are not discriminating against anyone you care for, and also to make sure that as an employee you are not being discriminated against. Five of these policies are listed below. Age Equality Policy This policy sets out how Sunnyside residential home will work towards the promotion of age equality in all of its activities. The Equality Act 2010 makes discrimination on the grounds of age unlawful. Age discrimination  happens when someone is treated unfairly based on his or her age without good reason. Sunnyside residential home strives to be recognised as a company whom provides good employment prospects for people of all different ages and we treat individuals who apply for employment with us with fair treatment based solely on their qualifications, ability, experience and suitability for the position. Sunnyside residential home is fully committed to promoting equality and equal opportunities for all ages. We do not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour by any member of our staff in the residential home; we have a zero tolerance for bullying and harassment. Within in the home we also treat service users fairly no matter their age, no one is judged or stereotyped and as employe es we strive to support all the needs of our service users and not just their age or ability. Disability Discrimination Policy This policy sets out how Sunnyside residential home will work towards the promotion of disability in all of its activities. The Equality Act 2010 makes discrimination on the grounds of disability unlawful. Sunnyside residential home strives to be recognised as a company whom provides good employment prospects for people of all different abilities and disabilities, and we wish individuals who apply to us to know that they will receive fair treatment from us and that they will be treated solely on their qualifications, experience, ability and suitability for the position. We support our staff with all disabilities as long as they are still able to complete the job to a high standard. In the residential home we strive to provide reasonable adjustments to enable better care for our service users such as equal access to all buildings for wheelchair users such as ramps, lifts and also handrails. Also for those whom are hard of hearing we have a hearing loop to aid them. We also provide inf ormation displayed in a way which is easier for people who are partially sighted to blind to understand such as braille, or large, clear lettering, in line with the Equality Act 2010. Sex/Gender Discrimination Policy This policy sets out how Sunnyside residential home will work towards the promotion of sex/gender equality in all of its activities. The Equality Act  2010 makes discrimination on the grounds of sex/gender unlawful. Sunnyside residential home strives to be recognised as a company whom provides good employment prospects for people despite their gender. We wish individuals who apply to us to know that they will receive fair treatment from us and that they will be treated solely on their qualifications, experience, ability and suitability for the position. Sunnyside residential home works within the guidelines of The Equality Act 2010 as we provide equal pay for our male and female employees who are employed to do the same or similar job. Also we strive to make sure that all our residents are also treated fairly despite whether they are male or female. All our employees are trained in how to promote anti discriminatory practices and how to recognised the signs of discrimination to ens ure that our residents are protected from this. Maternity Policy This policy sets out how Sunnyside residential home will work towards the promotion of equality for women whom are having a baby or have just had a baby. The Equality Act 2010 makes discrimination on the grounds of maternity unlawful. As it stated within in the Equality Act, it is unlawful to stop a woman who is breastfeeding her baby or ask her to leave, therefore within our home we provide private areas within the home in which if they choose to, women may use to feed their babies. Also for women whom have just had their baby, as their employer we strive to allow job changes wherever possible to support our employees so that it is more suitable for them. Also within our policy we provide maternity leave for women who are pregnant and when they have had their baby. Anti-harassment Policy Sunnyside residential home is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and fair treatment within the workplace for all employees and service users. Our aim is to create an environment where all employees and service users feel comfortable and in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, transgender status, colour, nationality, culture, religion, age or disability. This policy aims to ensure that nobody within the home is subjected to any form of harassment or  bullying, and to provide a procedure for those who believe they are being harassed or bullied to raise a complaint. We treat all complaints of bullying and harassment absolutely seriously, and will always investigate them thoroughly and promptly and in confidence. All employees and service users have the right to make a complaint if they feel they are being treated in a manner that constitutes harassment or bullying. This includes behaviour that may have caused offenc e, embarrassment or distress. Also any employee who witnesses an incident of harassment or bullying should report this incident to their superior; we will take reports such as this seriously and investigate the complaint in confidence. In order to make a formal complaint against someone who you feel has been bullying or harassing you or someone else, then this must been done so in writing and forwarded to your superior. A panel will then investigate this, and then the person against whom the claim has been made will be informed. Depending on the severity of the situation the person whom the complaint has been made against could face a possible suspension from work during the investigation. Depending on the outcome of the investigation the complainant could face no further action; they could be relieved of their duties and no longer be employed by the residential home or could even face a criminal conviction. Since The Equality Act became law in 2010, bringing together all of the old legislations into one big more effective legislation, discrimination has been tackled more efficiently within health and social care settings. Although discrimination is still happening sometimes with healthcare settings as some people are still ignorant towards the policies on equality and diversity there are now much simpler, easy to understand procedures on how to deal with this discriminatory behaviour. All healthcare settings must follow the policies and procedures within The Equality Act 2010, in order to promote anti-discriminatory practice. The Equality Act 2010 has brought many positives to promoting anti-discriminatory practice, for example it has been much more effective in bringing about proper equal pay for men and women as now employers are not allowed to tell their employees not to discuss their wages, and they have to publish information about equal pay making it much harder to discriminate an d not provide equal pay. Also I feel that the new policy has helped to prevent discrimination against disabled people when applying for employment, as employers are now not allowed to ask  potential employees whether they have a disability or not unless this affects their ability to attend interview or they are required to make reasonable adjustments, therefore reducing employers ability to discriminate against people with disabilities, and not employ them because of their disability. Before this act was in place upon finding out that potential employees had disabilities employers were more likely to not even offer the candidate an interview for the job based solely on the fact that that they are in some way disabled and not on their ability to do the job, when in truth they may well have been able enough to complete the tasks of the job, but employers discriminated against them. Now this is unlawful and employers can be prosecuted for it in accordance with the Equality Act. An example of where The Equality Act 2010 has been used recently is in a news report in 2012, where the elderly were being denied life-saving treatment for heart attacks and surgery following breast cancer, this report shows the age discrimination that took place across the NHS, where doctors were making an assumption based on the patients age instead of their individual ability to recover. The Equality Act 2010 states that it is unlawful to treat anyone worse than anyone else based on their age, therefore as a result of this act, policies have now been put in place to stop ageism in the health service, where the elderly can now sue if they are unfairly refused treatment based on their age. References

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employee Performance

Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employee Performance Since the independence Pakistan has seen the formation of its banking system with the birth of State Bank of Pakistan in 1948, till 70s the banks were state owned and it was in 70s when they started to get privatized, till the 80s the banks saw the ups and downs but it was in the 90s when banking sector witnessed change. In the 90s the state-owned banks got privatized, first banks to undergo the privatization were Muslim Commercial Bank and Allied Bank, privatized between 1991 and 1993. In 2002 the third largest bank called United Bank got privatized and Habib Bank got privatized in 2004. Currently there are 54 banks operating in Pakistan which include 4 public sector banks, 5 Islamic banks, 20 private banks, 7 foreign banks, 8 DFIs, 4 special banks like IDBP, PPCB, ZTBL and 6 micro finance banks/institution (Banks in Pakistan, 2008). Currently banking sector is the soundest working sector of the country and even when in 2008 world witnessed global crunch the banking sector of Pakist an exhibited sound position due to its policies. The reason for choosing the banking sector as a study field is that it is the most developed institution of Pakistan it is has most developed and most operationalized Human resources system and thousands of people are employed by the banks. Oxford dictionary defines Discrimination as a distinction (made with the mind, or in action), discrimination is a phenomenon that is present in any and almost every organization, discrimination simply defined is a biased treatment of a person based on his/her affiliation with a certain group, it is a behavior exhibited to other people. In workplace discrimination the employee or group of employees are made target of prejudice (Major, Quinton, Schmader, 2003) and the person that is being discriminated is not given the opportunities that others are availing or are available to others and furthermore it point to the tools for demonstrating and establishing the social relation of dominance and oppression (Kreiger, 1999) . According to United Nations Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection, so the discriminations eventually affect an individual or group by excluding him/them from privileges that others are enjoying. There are dif ferent kinds of discriminations like racial/ethnic, age, gender, identity, cast, employment, disability, reverse, religious discriminations to name a few. Discrimination at a workplace means that the employee or group of employees are not treated fairly as compared to others and the reason for this treatment is not related with the ability of employees or group of employees to perform their specific job assigned by the organization. For this study direct discrimination is of more interest, direct discrimination is the type in which an employee or group of employees are affected by the decision which is based on an assumption stemming from employee or group of employees belonging to a certain status. In this study the focus would be on form of discrimination that is without legal basis but allowed as a norm and not the other kind which is prohibited by law. The topic aims at studying the effects of discrimination on the performance of an employee of an organization and the kind of di scrimination that is being under research is the gender based discrimination which may arise between superiors and subordinates and also between peers. Gender discrimination is attitude and belief of the discriminator of giving or refraining to give rights to the employee due to his/her gender, it also can be behavior, policy, interaction, action and procedure which affects the work of an employee negatively by creating a disparate treatment or creation of intimidating work environment or hostile environment which is according to sex (Carr, et al., 2000). In developing countries this practice is prevalent and the main target of this kind of discrimination are women although gender harassment doesnt mean that only women are prone to this type of discrimination but mostly women are the victims of such type of discrimination. Discrimination regardless of its type can cause ill effects of the mental health of an individual for example discrimination causes social disconnection and cause s a sense of distress (Eisenberger Lieberman, 2004), discrimination can be an important kind of a stress which can affect health of an employee badly, stress due to discrimination can trigger psychological reactivity, and it affects the mental health (Williams, 1999). Another effect of discrimination is the trust; discrimination negatively affects the trust between discriminator and the discriminated, trust being a psychological condition covers a state of perceived risk that is result of an individuals ambiguity concerning possible actions and intentions of those upon whom that person is depending (Kramer, 1999) and while trusting an individual puts his fate in the TRUSTED persons hands hoping/expecting that he will perfrom his/her duty diligently. Third the organizational commitment is an important issue here, the organizational commitment is a relation between the employer and his employee, organizational commitment creates in an employee responsibility towards the employer whic h improves the employees work behavior (Shore Wayne, 1993).Organizations use the technique of gender mainstreaming to promote the equality among the employees of an organization and it is defined as a process of change that includes how an organizations system and structure is causing dicrimination indirectly and to change that structure and system to get rid of that discrimination all over the world this technique is used to cater to the specific problem of discrimination. All of the above have their own individual effects which when combined can affect an individual in many different ways by affecting his personal life as well as his professional life. The objective of this study is to see if there exists a significant relationship between the gender discrimination and the employee performance in an organization. The gender discrimination has many outcomes but for this study the outcomes that are under study include mental health of an individual which is affected by the discrimination regardless of the nature or kind of such discrimination, it is in this study that effect on trust between the employer and the employee is also observed whether it affects the employee performance or not, the discrimination when occur would also affect an emplyees commitment towards the organization that he is working with and when this happens the employee would lose interst and that affects the perfromance of that employee negatively. Of interst to this research is to study the work conditions of the banking sector of Pakistan where equal employment opportunity is provided to both men and women and where both gender are coworkers, with banks having a strong human resource setup it is of interest to observe what is the scenario of discrimination in such a work environement. The research question for this study include questions such as observing if the gender discrimination exists in the working environement of Pakistani banking sector. The second question would be to observe the significance of such relation which means to observe if that relation is stong or mild or negligible. The third question that would need answering is that do the out comes of gender discrimination which have been mentioned above affect the employee performance and how intense their relationship with employee performance is. The next queston addresses the gender mainstreaming and to what extent gender mainstreaming moderates the effect of gender discrimination, this would also reveal whether pakistani banking sector is making any efforts proactively to prevent the problem of workplace gender discrimination or not. And then the question would arise that in current pakistani culture which is heavily male dominated culture and where discrimination maybe considered a norm then in su c conditions what would be the effect of such discrimination on an employees perfromance, would the effect be considerable or would the effect be minimal? The business reason for this study is to observe how well the banking sector of the country is doing as the banking sectoe actively encourages women through their advertisements to join the banking industry and also because for a few years the banking industry is single most booming industry of the country and because even though women are encouraged to work in the sector it is still mainly a male dominated society where gender discrimination may manifest at some point of time, the business reason would be to identify whether the practice of gender discrimination exists or not and to what extent such phenomenon exist and how its is affecting the workers of the sector. By identifying the prevalence of this phenomenon in the sector the banking companies can take measures to control such issues and that inturn would benefit the em[ployees of those companies by providing them healthy work environement where all the employees regardless of their gender could achieve the full potential tha t they are capable of. This study is of interest because it taks about a phenomen that has been mostly observed in the western work and social environment, to observe this phenomenon in Pakistani cultual settings and work settings is of great interest that would reveal the amount of the penomenon in existance and its significane and it would also be of interst to see if Pakistani banking sector has acknowledged the existence of this phenomenon and if they are doing anything about it or not. LITERATURE REVIEW: Gender discrimination is one is an apparent issue in the society of Pakistan, Pakistan got independence in 1947 and since it was once a part of India the Indian influence exists still today that is why equality of genders is an issue and to resolve this issue a culture change would have to be applied still Pakistan in more advanced than its neighbor in terms of female rights. Discrimination itself is a phenomenon that that is found worldwide take America for example where inequality is ever more present due to discrimination (Darity Jr Mason, 1998) and brithish labor market is no different either there also exist gender discrimination as in UK womens compensation is lower than that of a man (Wright Ermisch, 1991), simply we can say that discrimination is a biased behavior towards certain individuals. Scholars have identified discrimination as the situation where employee or group of employees are made target of prejudice (Major, Quinton, Schmader, 2003) and the target is deprived if the opportunities that are available to rest, furthermore it point to the tools for demonstrating and establishing the social relation of dominance and oppression (Kreiger, 1999). According to United Nations Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection, so the discriminations eventually affect an individual or group by excluding him/them from privileges that others are enjoying. Among the different kinds of discriminations like racial/ethnic, age, gender, identity, cast, employment, disability, reverse, religious for this study gender discrimination that occurs at the workplace is of interest. Discrimination at a workplace is that when employees as individuals or in groups are not treated fairly as compared to others and the reason is not their professional capability to perform specific task as assigned to them. In this study the focus would be on evaluating keeping in mind the social and cultural differences the extent of ex istence of gender discrimination in the Pakistani work environment. Gender discrimination is a discrimination which is unbalanced approach towards a person because of his/her gender, furthermore Gender discrimination is attitude and belief of the discriminator of giving or refraining to give rights to the employee due to his/her gender, it also can be behavior, policy, interaction, action and procedure which affects the work of an employee negatively by creating a disparate treatment or creation of intimidating work environment or hostile environment which is according to sex (Carr, et al., 2000).Discrimination on the base of gender hampers performance by affecting the level of professional self-esteem and confidence, career satisfaction and being secluded in a work environment affecting their performance (Carr, Szalacha, Barnett, Caswell, Inui, 2003). In developing countries this practice is prevalent and the main target of this kind of discrimination are women although gender har assment doesnt mean that only women are prone to this type of discrimination but mostly women are the victims of such type of discrimination. For this study of gender discrimination and its effect on employees performance the independent variable is Gender discrimination and there are many outcomes of gender discrimination and from those outcomes 3 have been taken to be included in this study. The first outcome is the JOB STRESS; stress can be called an result of a person and that outcome is because of the workplace environment that is for him unsafe (Bashir Ramay, 2010).Scholars have documented that discrimination causes ill effects on the mental health of an individual and causes social disconnection and a sense of distress (Eisenberger Lieberman, 2004), stress can affect health of an employee badly, stress due to discrimination can trigger psychological reactivity, and it affects the mental health (Williams, 1999). Job stress is the biggest contributor to the organizational expenditure and when the employee is exposed to job stress for prolonged periods to time it eventually leads to job burnout (Maslach, 2003) and th e burn out diminishes an employees job performance as a result. Stress inducing effects of gender discrimination have been documented also by (Kreiger, 2002) who reported that gender discrimination affected a persons health by significantly elevating the stress levles of the affected. Job Stress occurs from the social relations that are within the confines of an organization (Le Blanc, De Jonge, Schaufeli, 2000). Further the job stress stemming form gender discrimination directly affects the performance of an employee in an organization. Further (AbdulRub, 2004) also reported that there existed relation between job stress and performance,scholars have found that gender discrimination affects the career satisfaction, professional self confidence and esteem and seclusiveness. Another study conducted suggested that job stress significantly decreases the performance of an employee (Bashir Ramay, 2010). The other outcome for the independent variable of this study is TRUST; the study of trust in an organizational setting has been significant since 1995 and now more and more scholars are looking into the effects of trust in the organizational setting, trust can be defined as a two part process where one has confidence in others dependability and purity and it should also be mentioned that the trust comes from social interaction and in its absence the level of trust decreases. Through trust between parties affects the important mechanisms of the organization and the results within an organization (Mayer Davis, 1999) and trust empowers the employee and thus improves his/her performance at work (Gomez Rosen, 2001). As far as the link between gender discrimination is concerned a study in Finland documented that discrimination leads to low level of trust (Liebkind Lathi, 2000). In a work setting it is to be noted that there may be trust in existence between employer and the employee or the subordinate and the superior but at some point due to discrimination and specifically gender discrimination this trust turns into distrust which would likely to be psychological incident for the individual who is putting the trust in other (Schoorman, Mayer, Davis, 2007). It is evident that there exist a relation between the gender discrimination and trust now and behavior of the management is an important cause in develpoing the association between the management and the employees (Whitener, Brodt, Korsgaard, Werner, 1998) and it is to be seen that what would be its effect on the employees performance in an organization when the effect of trust would be accompaniying effects of other elements too, this would also reveal about the existence of that relation as well as the significance in case of its existence. Third the third element in the equation is organizational commitment, organizational commitment is an important issue to discuss it is documented that organizational commitment is affected by discrimination (Ensher, Grant-Vallone, Donalidson, 2001), as the organizational commitment is a relation between the employer and his employee organizational commitment creates in an employee responsibility towards the employer which improves the employees work behavior (Shore Wayne, 1993). Organizational commitment promotes in an employee the sense of organizational citizenship as well as it increases the employee performance, even if at the time the performance of an employee is not increasing at the moment but still commitmtnet increases the expectation regarding their performance and as a result those employees perform positivlely (Meyer Allen). Discrimination affects the oranizational outomes that include organizational commitment (Sancez Brook, 1998), so the effect of the element of co mmitment would be observed how it would in combination with other element affect employees performance in an organization. In this study the gender mainstreaming is used as an moderator to moerate the effect of gender discrimination on the employees performance. Gendermainstreaming is the a concept that suggests that there should be promotion of the equality among the employees of an organization and it is defined as a process of change that includes how an organizations system and structure is causing dicrimination indirectly and to change that structure and system to get rid of that discrimination, three legged equality stool acknowledges the interconnectivity of equal treatment perspective, womens perspective, this technique is widely used to cater to the specific problem of discrimination. UNDP has also made an effort in coping with gender discrimination by using the tool of gender mainstreaming. And for this study the dependent variable is of the employees job performance. The performance of an employee is of utmost importance for any organization and employer, any organzation that is doing well in the moarket can easily attribute its performance with performance of its employees and without satisfactory performance in workplace satisfactory organzational performance is not possible. The employee job performance can be defined as a combination of questions as how much an employee is contributing to the overall performance of the work unit? how much task assigned to the employee has been completed by him/her? as compared to hi/her unit how good his/her performance is? and does the performance of the employee meets the standard of the employees supervisor?. An employees job performance is a set of elemets that include effort, skill and results which are of importance to an employee as well as the organization (Lusch Serpkenci, 1990). The aim here is to see how gender discrimi nation would affect this set of elements and its significance. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The study for this research work would be a non-intervention study as no intervention would be made and only data would be gathered from the researchable situation. The study includes an element of both qualitative and quantitative study. Gender MainstreamingTHEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Job Stress GENDER DISCRIMINATION Employee performance Trust Organizational commitment In this model Gender discrimination is the independent variable, job stress, trust and organizational commitment are its three outcomes that have been taken into consideration, in the model the gender mainstreaming is playing the role of moderator by moderating the effects of the gender discrimination while employees job performance is the dependent variable that is being affected by the discrimination. HYPOTHESES From the model for the purpose of this study following hypotheses have been drawn. H1- Job stress negatively affects the employee job performance. It is hypothesized that as the job stress would increase the employees job performance would decrease. H2- Low trust between the employer and the employee negatively affects the employees job performance. The second hypothesis states that as the trust between employer and the employee decreases the employees job performance is affected negatively. H3- Lack of organizational commitment negatively affects the employee job performance. The third hypothesis states that when an employees organizational commitment would decrease his job performance would also decrease. H4- The more the gender discrimination at the workplace the lower will be performance of an employee at his/her job. This hypothesis states that as the gender discrimination increases the employee job performance would decrease. H5- Gender mainstreaming moderates the effect of gender discrimination on to employees job .performance. Fifth hypothesis states that gender mainstreaming in an organization would moderate the effect of gender discrimination in a work environement. SAMPLE SIZE For this study the target sample is the workforce employed at the bank, both man and women would be equally taken into the sample. The type of sampling would be convenience sampling due to the budget and time constraints; the research questionnaire shall be administered to all three designation levels of banking staff which are Officer Grade 1, Officer Grade 2 and Officer Grade 3. The questionnaire shall be administered in all the banks situated in Lahore; the amount of questionnaire per bank would be ten and the questionnaires would be administered women as the gender discrimination is more specifically a womens issue especially in our region. To collect the data, a questionnaire would be used which would consist of questions regarding discriminatory behavior faced by the respondents, questions related to mental health and organizational commitment as well as questions related to trust would be included in the questionnaire and employees job performance questions would include quest ions regarding knowledge of principles, facts, ideas about the job and knowing what to do, the procedural knowledge would be covering elements like how to do the work and skill include cognitive, perceptual and interpersonal skill and last but not the least motivation questions and thats how the questionnaire would be complete. The software used for this study will be SPSS with whose help correlational, regression based analysis would be conducted on the variables. ANOVA would be used for the moderator. SPSS would be used due to its easy availability and also due to its ease of use and data importability and exportability to other MS office packages. LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS The study has some limitations as it is not possible to and beyond the scope of the study to venture into other avenues. The first limitation is that the study setting is of a bank so the results cannot be generalized to other sectors, other studies with different sectors would have to conduct to obtain the generalizability of the outcomes. Second limitation is that other is the sample size; future scholar should take a bigger sample size to observe its effect on the results. The third limitation could be that of the culture, Pakistan has a unique culture so the result may also be unique to this very culture, future researcher should replicate this study to see the consistency of the results. The main benefit of this study would be to the banking sector as the study specifically aimed the banks. This study could allow HR professionals as well as the management officials of the banking companies to look for the opportunities within their workspaces to tackle the practice of gender discrimination which would ultimately benefit the organization as his/her commitment, trust towards the organization would increase he/she would be able to concentrate better to his/her job as a result of improved mental health and hence the job performance of the employee would increase ultimately contributing positively towards the overall organizational productivity.